Baba Ramdev along with his 150 followers returned to Gangotri from Gaumukh where they had headed for despite repeated warnings by the meteorological department. The department had predicted heavy rainfall for the next 48 hours, which forced the authorities to seek a temporary halt on pilgrimage to this holy site.
“About 150 children and other persons who had gone to Gaumukh have safely come down to Gangotri in the morning after we alerted them of the heavy rainfall and inclement weather” said Uttarkashi district magistrate C Ravishankar.
Though Ravishankar said the call for return was “routine”, it was learnt such directives are issued only if there is urgency.
The time when the major rivers reached towards the danger level due to constant rainfall and landslides forced a suspension of Char Dham pilgrimage, Ramdev had on Tuesday started the trip to Gangotri along with 450 followers despite warning by the Met department. About 150 of them, including several children studying at his Patanjali Yog Peeth in Haridwar, had trekked to Gaumukh located 18km from Gangotri.
“The district administration has declared a suspension of pilgrimage to Gangotri for three days after the Met department warned of heavy rainfall for the next 48 hours.”, said Ravishankar.
But chief minister Harish Rawat asked officials to be on alert and maintain the pilgrimage to the four shrines rather stopping it. The minister advised to handle the pilgrimage smartly and smoothly without creating the panic.
Meanwhile, the pilgrimage to Himalayan shrine of Badrinath was also suspended on Thursday till Friday, a day after authorities stopped it to Kedarnath.
Ravishankar said. “Pilgrims are already on the way to Gangotri and have been asked to take shelter in safer places while those on way to Yamunotri will also be called back or shifted to safe locations,”
News Src : Hindustan Times, Dehradun
img src : Worldnow
Published Date: July 17, 2014